Hello Girls! Not too long ago, I was sent two products from B.LIV by Cellnique to review for my followers and the product are Submerge Me & Drench Me ^^

Untuk kalian yang follow aku di Instagram pasti tau kalo aku ngepost foto ketika barang dari Malaysia datang 3 minggu yang lalu :) B.LIV dikirim melalui DHL express, ada 6 masker wajah dan 1 pencuci muka dan 1 pelembab. Pihak B.LIV menanyakan bagaimana kondisi wajahku saat ini, apa ada keluhan dan lainnya. Oya! Konsultasi hanya melalui email, aku bilang kalo muka ku super kering selebihnya oke karena aku tidak mengalami masalah kulit wajah yang parah (seperti berjerawat, komedo dan lainnya).

Yang belum mengetahui dengan jelas B.LIV itu produk dari mana,
 apa saja jenis perawatannya? silahkan baca latar belakang tentang Cellnique :)

Cellnique is a company based in Malaysia and Singapore, offering the products of the finest quality to treat several different cases of skin problems/types. Their range includes: acne, aging, congestion, discoloration, dehydration, open pores, sensitive and scarring.

B.LIV, originally named 'Cellnique Pro-Series' is one of their release lines targetting a total of 4 different ranges. This includes the: blackhead range, large pores range, blemish/acne range and a range for people with dry skin!

* Cellnique memberiku 2 produk B.LIV *

- Drench Me (Moisturizing Cleansing Gel - Untuk semua jenis kulit)

This ultra-silky weightless gel cleanser removes impurities from your face while providing a good moisturizing for your skin. Seaweed, Aloe Vera and Green Tea extracts – a robust combination in a hydrating cleanser that make sure your skin stays supple and moist. Formulated with antioxidant properties, Drench Me keeps aging signs at bay.

• Cleanses & hydrates skin 
• Long term, deep moisturizing 
• Encourages cell renewal process 
• antioxidant

Cara pakai :
- Gunakan Drench Me 2-3 kali sehari sebelum menggunakan Submerge Me.
- Basahi wajah anda dengan air.
- Pompa 1-2 tetes di telapak tangan lalu cuci muka anda hingga bersih.

HARGA : US$ 25 atau Rp. 250.000,- (1 botol = 130 ml)


I love the pump dispenser, so easy to use in the shower. This is my favorite cleanser of all time. Drench Me makes my face beautifully calm and slightly moisturized after cleansing with this *_* I normally use it twice, once to get my make up off and again to clean my face and it doesn't dry my skin out! 

- Submerge Me (Moisturizing Booster - Untuk semua jenis kulit)

Thirsty? With the new “SKIN BIO-MIMIC” technology, Submerge Me offers deep moisture penetration to serve intensive and instant relief to parched skin as well as brightens dull complexions and calms skin irritations. Take our advice, it’s best to take the plunge with Submerge Me’s faithful mate – the ever popular Leach Me.

• Long term & deep moisturizing 
• Retains & replenishes moisture 
• Prevents early signs of aging 
• Lightens & firms up the skin 
• Antioxidant

Cara pakai :
- Setelah mencuci muka menggunakan Drench Me 2-3 kali sehari, 
pakailah Submerge me sebagai serum sebelum 
menggunakan Foundation atau BB Cream

HARGA : US$ 49 atau Rp. 490.000,- (1 botol = 45 ml)

Nah~ ini dia nih si moisturizing booster, hehehe. Setelah mencuci muka pakai Drench Me, Kalo muka sudah kering langsung deh pake Submerge Me :) Aku pake ini malam hari dan setelah mandi pagi, rutin setiap hari, pertama kali pake Submerge Me ini di malam hari, jujur saja ya kulit muka di pagi hari bener-bener lembut dan terasa lembab!!! AH HAPPY! :) 

Anyway, 1 botol Drench Me dan Submerge Me ini aku bagi 3 ke mamaku dan adikku, adikku mempunyai kulit yang kombinasi. Di daerah bagian hidung terasa kasar saking keringnya, tapi di daerah wajah lainnya sangat berminyak dan berjerawat, dan kulit mamaku kering sama seperti aku. Sengaja aku bagi 3 karena kepengen lihat hasil produk ini, sebelum 2 minggu pemakaian, Sengaja meraba hidung adikku dan HORE~~ hasilnya tidak kasar lagi, senang ya dapet gratisan trus hasilnya bagus banget! Mamaku sampe nanya harga sebotol nya berapa, kepengen pake untuk dia pribadi XD

- Japan Silk Mask (Untuk semua jenis kulit)

* Bright is Right - Japan Silk Mask *

Bright is right restores skin’s radiance by refining and smoothening the texture of the skin. Its 100% pure Japanese Nano-Pearl Powder, a source of amino acids and minerals, regulates pigmentation and revitalizes your skin, while its moisture-retaining ingredients provide instant hydration. For all skin types, especially for dehydrated, dull and hyperpigmented skin (all ages).

• Restores skin’s radiance and lightens skin 
• Nourishes the skin and makes it softer, finer, brighter and smoother
• Accelerates the skin’s natural process of shedding dead skin cells and replaces them with new ones revealing a pure, fresh and healthy-looking skin. 
• Provides instant hydration t and helps skin preserve its optimum moisture balance.

HARGA : $25 = Rp. 250.000,- (10 pcs)

* Leach Me - Japan Silk Mask *

A 3-in-1 hydrating mask, Leach Me moisturizes your skin, prevents signs of aging from appearing and restores your healthy glow. Bursting with natural fruity ingredients, this mask quickly penetrates your skin to nourishes it. Your lines will refine, your dryness will vanish, and the mirror will reveal a beaming face once again! For all skin types, especially for dry, dehydrated skin (all ages).

• Long term deep moisturizing 
• Retains & replenishes moisture 
• Age prevention 
• Anti-oxidant & anti-bacterial 
• Lightening & whitening effect

HARGA : $32 = Rp. 320.000,- (7 pcs)


Bisa dilihat foto sebelum pakai B.LIV kulit wajah yang acak adul lol
Foto After ku ambil di pagi hari, belum cuci muka loh, 
yang pasti malemnya pakai Drench Me + Submerge Me!!! ^^


Drench Me is a cleansing gel : I keep coming back to this as my daily facial cleanser. I use it in the morning and night. The smell is amazing so light and fresh. Your skin feels soft and clean after you use it and It doesn't make my face feel dry and tight after washing it.

Submerge Me is a Moisturizing Booster. Pertama nya sih aku pikir itu Moisturizer biasa, ternyata seperti serum juga loh :) Wangi Submerge Me ini pun lembut banget, seperti krim bayi lol Well, this cream is really something! My face feels very comfortably hydrated after using this, but not greasy or occluded. It's also a great moisturizing cream under makeup *_* Setelah pake selama hampir sebulan ini, kulitku makin kesini makin baik, enggak kering dan engga kayak kasar gitu. Thank you B.LIV ^^

Japan Silk Mask : aku biasa maskeran sebelum tidur, minum air putih yang banyak sebelum tidur terus maskeran deh, asiknyaaaaaa~~ I use a Japan Silk to brighten, mosturize and tone my face. I love anything that would brighten up my face lol It makes my skin feel much softer and brighter after the first use :D Aku enggak rekomen menggunakan masker setiap hari, Pemakaian masker yang berlebihan dapat menimbulkan iritasi dan justru merangsang kelenjar minyak bekerja lebih banyak menghasilkan lemak ^^ Paling bagus maskeran seminggu sekali!! :)

And OKAY!!! I do recommend both products (and Japan Silk). 
Meskipun menurutku harganya sangatlah mahal namun yaaa produk ini bener-bener penolong kulitmu yang membutuhkan kelembaban :) These products were sent to me for reviews, And these are my most honest opinions of the two products :)

Thank you for reading my blog <3


3 komentar:

  1. I can see the difference in the before and after photos, your skin looks a lot healthier!

  2. kayanya ini worthed bgt yaaa say :D
    but the price bikin kantong mengkeryuut sekali hiks
    ada harga ada kualitas hihi

  3. Hi, saya sianty... Saya tinggal di jakarta. Saya mau nanya produk ini sdh ada jual blm di jakarta? Jika ingin cb pake kira" dimana saya bs dapatin produk ini ? Saya tg ya infonya and tganks before😉
