Hello girls~~ I’m so excited to share with you my latest haul and in this video
i want to show you the items i purchases from Micha Store ~~ whoohooo! ^^

1. Runway Beauty Makeup Kit - Victoria Secret
2. Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual Books
3. Eyelove - Too Faced
4. Botanical Pure BB Cream from Nature Republic
5. Face Designing Brightener - Etude House
6. Wonder Drawing Eyebrow Kit - Holika Holika
7. Lip Scrub - Tony Moly
8. Gel Eye Liner from 3 Concept Eyes
9. Salmon Dark Circle Concealer - Skin Food
10. Lip and Eye Base - Holika Holika
11.  Lip Pigment #Mellow Pink - 3 Concept Eyes
12. Lip Pigment #Mink Beige - 3 Concept Eyes
13. Stain Girls Stain #Red - Nature Republic
14. Water Color Blusher - Etude House
15. Color Pop Shine Tint #BerryPop - Etude House
16. Butter Gloss - NYX
17. Candy Glitter Liner - NYX
18. Drawing Eyebrow - Etude House

Ah~ kayaknya tiada hari tanpa beli makeup yah, rasa nya pengen beli semua-mua nya, ya beginilah perempewi, rempong. Kayaknya yang baru-baru bakal jadi favouriteku bulan ini lolol Victoria Secret Makeup Kit (kali-kali cantekk kayak Miranda) - Eye Love nya Too Faced juga lucuu~ packagingnya nuansa pastel, I really love this palette~ The colors are all so beautiful and It also came with a mini "Shadow Insurance Anti-Crease Eye Shadow Primer" :) ini oleh-oleh dari temen yang abis liburan ke USA, thanks mom shannonnn! =) Oya, buku bobbi brown ini aku kepengen banget udah lama cuma karena harganya 400 ribuan males beli dan akhirnya dikadoin sama adik ipar, so happyyyyyyy >.< Hmm, trus juga penasaran (kayaknya semua penasaran) sama 3 Concept Eyes Lip Pigment >.< selebihnya belii yang gak penting-penting, sampe drawing eyebrow beli 3 buat cadangan (soalnya kadang2 mau beli drawing eyebrow suka abis dimana-mana, jadi beli banyak deh buat persediaan di makeup case) -.- Semoga nanti ini semua bisa aku review di blog akuu~ ^^

See you on my next post girls!!


18 komentar:

  1. wohooooooooooo.....
    SUPER DUPER BIG HAUL dear. haha
    aku keracunan VS nyaaaa >.<
    cantik bangetttt packagingnya terutama hihii

  2. review lip pigment kak harus harus hehehee

  3. aiiih revieww too facednyaa dongggggg aku suka packagingny classic unik gituuu
    great haulll :*

  4. uwaaa kepengen liat lip pigmentnya <3

  5. TOO FACEDNYAAA T.T *tarik2 baju nyai sasa*

  6. waoting for 3 concept eyes review!! :D


  7. aku jg lg ngiler lip pigment.. >.<

  8. aaaa haulnya (x3x) aku mau semuanyyaaaa

  9. Wow! you bought so many products, all in which I have never tried except for the Etude House Drawing Eyebrow. I just love Etude House products and have spent over $200 last time at their store. Stylenanda is way too expensive for me especially since their shipping to Sydney Australia is beyond ridiculous!

    Your blog is gorgeous! I just followed and I hope you'll follow me back as well~

    YOONYEE [click here]

  10. Haulnya 0_0, btw yg VS awalnya aku kira buku makeup tuh ternyata makeup palette, ditunggu reviewnya, terutama lip pigment-nya :D

  11. uwooo haulnya bikin ngiler semua *o*

  12. super banyak super envy kak!! :D asiknya banyak mainan baru hihi

    I blogged about my life in South Korea, fashion and beauty related
    please kindly check on my blog! :D


  13. superduper hauuulll >,< review VS make up kit sama lip pigmentednya dong ka :3

  14. Eeee, amazing haul! *___*

    Junniku blog [Click!]
    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

  15. baru tanggal berapa ini haulnya udah macam ini huaaaaaa.... *nangis dipojokan kepengen juga* hahahaha.. ditunggu reviewnya ya mommy! :*

  16. review 3 concept eyes nyaa di tungguu~
    penasaraan dari dulu dulu^^
